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Zooty Soap Ingredients

No Weird Unpronounceable Chemicals. Just the Good Stuff That Makes Great Soap.

As a Soapmaker I have unlimited choices as to what goes into Zooty Soap. My recipe comes from many experiments and my own preference for a great soap that lathers well, is creamy, bubbly, non drying and a pleasure to use.

At Zooty Soap you won't find  ingredients that are there as marketing gimmicks or trendy untested additives.. There are many places to get goat milk soap or even breast milk soap, some even put in fruits and vegetables. Pushing the envelope for me is snake skin. 

 What we use in Zooty Soap
Premium Olive Oil...makes a creamy rich and moisturizing lather.
Organic Coconut Oil....great for cleaning and fluffy bubbles.
RSPO Palm Oil...milder cleaning and bubbles

Lard...not so much label appeal but great for a mild, creamy lather.

Rice Bran Oil...makes a gentle bar of soap making it perfect for sensitive or mature skin.

Zooty Soap may also contain IFRA soap approved fragrances. Zooty Soap also may contain soap safe micas for color. We add organic preservatives and clays for scent retention.

That's it...every day when I use my soap I ask myself is there anything that you would want to change about this soap. The answer is always the same. I love it just as it is.
Your comments as always are welcomed.

Our Ingredients: Bio
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